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President Trump Patriot or Russian Spy ?

President Trump Patriot or Russian Spy ?

President Donald J. Trump’s ongoing and continuing pschological emotional pattern of behavior of overt publicly displaying great admiration and affection for Communist Russian Dictator/ Terrorist/War Criminal Vladimir Putin allegedly seems to suggest that President Trump may in fact be a Communist Sympathizer. 

President Trump certainly exhibits circumstantial evidence of what a reasonable person would probably argumentatively and speculatively consider to be rather “suspicious behavior” associated with Communist Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

It is well documented common knowledge within The Communities of United States of America's Intelligence Agencies that former KGB Agent Vladimir Putin now Communist Russian President Vladimir Putin has been and is currently involved in secret clandestine culvert Espionage Activities intentionally designed to destabilize United States Democracy. 

Vladimir Putin publicly announced to the Russian People that he intends to Destroy The United States of America. 

President Trump is keenly aware via United States Intelligence Agencies briefings and reports that Communist Russian President Vladimir Putin is allegedly engaged in ongoing and continuing aggressive clandestine culvert Espionage Activities against The United States. 

All “accumulative effect” of circumstantial evidence points to President Donald J. Trump knowingly and “intentionally” aiding and abetting Communist Russian President Vladimir Putin in engaging in Espionage Activities against The United States of America. 

One would be hard pressed to come to a different conclusion based upon the “totality of circumstantial evidence” that President Trump has adequate and sufficient knowledge that Communist Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated the Interference in The 2016 United States Presidential Election, conducted and performed ongoing and continuing Internet Cyber Attacks against The United States of America. 

President Donald J. Trump allegedly seems to be involved in Un-American Activities against The United States of America. 

At this point in time, it cannot be ruled out that President Trump may have been “compromised” through his alleged either direct or indirect contacts with purported Russian Nationals. 

Certainly President Trump’s own “suspicious behaviors”makes a good case for conducting and performing a new extensive investigatory probative inquiry into President Trump's associations and possible and potential business dealings with known Russian Nationals. 

We must consider, however, remote the possible and potential likelyhood that Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump may have become “compromised” by Communist Russian Intelligence Espionage Agents. 

Presidential Candidate/President Donald J. Trump may have allegedly “unwitteningly” become a Russian Spy, this cannot be easily dismissed due to President Trump’s own ongoing and continuing pattern of suspicious behavior, President Trump has succeeded at building his own prima facie case of circumstantial evidence against himself that he maybe be acting voluntarily or involuntarily as an Communist Russian Intelligence Agency Espionage Asset, Operative, or Agent. 

At this particular juncture in time we have "no" definitives types or forms of either direct or indirect exculpatory or inculpatory evidentiary Data and Information to be able to substantially clear of blame or charge President Donald J. Trump with wrong doing! 

Donald J. Trump President of The United States of America unfortunately has overtly publicly exhibited evasive pyschological emotional behavior that is consistent with known psychological behavioral models of criminal penalogical behaviors. 

Websites Publisher's/Editor's/Reporter's Journalistic Official and Formal Legal Notice of Notification: 

The Verdict is Still Out as to whether or not President Trump has been or is currently a Russian Espionage Asset, Operative, or Agent for Russian President Vladimir Putin! 

There exists "no" accessible prima facie evidentiary Data and Information in order to confirm and verify President Trump's "Innocence" or "Guilt" Associated with The "Russian Meddling into 2016 United States of America Presidential Election." 

The Publisher of said Website(s) Carrying this News Editorial Commentary will "NOT" Retract the Views and Opinions Expressed Within any News Report Coverages Found in any News Articles, Reports, and Editorials that are under the direct publishing control of The Publisher of said Website(s).

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